Phd dissertation viva

Phd dissertation viva

phd dissertation viva

I submitted my dissertation in July and am since waiting for the university reviews (from 1 internal and 1 external reviewer, both anonymous) that supposedly take " weeks". I have received 0/2 as of yet. Our universities website states that the process in between thesis submission and the date of the doctoral viva can in total take up to 3 Successful completion of the PhD program requires fulfilling course requirements, passing the comprehensive examinations, preparing and defending a dissertation proposal, and undertaking research, writing and defending a dissertation. This is a multi-year process that involves a close mentoring relationship with the student’s Primary Advisor Defending your doctoral thesis: the PhD viva Once you have submitted your thesis you will be invited to defend your doctorate at a ‘viva voce' (Latin for ‘by live voice') or oral examination. The thesis defence can be a daunting prospect, but many people really enjoy this experience of discussing their PhD research with genuinely interested experts

Defending your doctoral thesis: the PhD viva — Vitae Website

Viva Presentation of your PhD thesis requires you to prepare thoroughly. Learn tips on how to do PhD viva dissertation defense that makes you pass in doctoral viva. Face Viva phd dissertation viva confidently with an impressive opening speech. Keep some sample PhD viva questions and answers readily. Here are my detailed advanced tips phd dissertation viva how to pass viva voce during your PhD studies.

These viva tips will help you remain confident throughout your presentation. A PhD scholar does not consider completing the thesis paper an accomplishment because they are still required to go through the viva voce process.

Although there are countries such as Australia that do not require one to do so, others like the United States necessitate the scholar to go through the process. A viva voce is an oral examination whereby the researcher is required to stand before a panel of examiners to defend their dissertation. This is why it is essential for the scholar to ensure that they have clearly mastered the field and the chosen topic by conducting the research on their own.

During the viva voce, the evaluators are at liberty to ask whatever question they feel is related to the topic and the candidate has the obligation of answering the question satisfactorily.

Simply put, a viva voce is an oral presentation that is aimed at phd dissertation viva that the researcher commands knowledge on the topic and has gained knowledge on the field of study. A PhD viva voce examination is the last thing that comes in the PhD process whereby the researcher is required to present themselves before evaluators and answer any questions thrown at them regarding the thesis, phd dissertation viva.

That said, the viva voce comes after the candidate has submitted their thesis to the faculty. Upon receiving the research paper, the evaluators may require the scholar to present themselves in person and required to exhibit what they have learned during the Ph. Therefore, a viva voce comes after submission of the thesis and before the candidate earns the doctorate title.

Many Ph. candidates are concerned by the duration that a viva voce takes and we would like to point out that it all depends on how prepared one is for the same. Traditionally, a viva voce is supposed to take ninety minutes with no hassles. The purpose of the process is to evaluate how much knowledge one has acquired during the Ph. and whether they are capable of answering questions related to their topic, phd dissertation viva. Therefore, it is true to state that the length of the viva voce will depend on the examiners, phd dissertation viva.

If the candidate does not satisfy their expectations, they are bound to ask more questions thus the process I likely to take more time. Many scholars are concerned about with the viva voce since it makes almost all candidates nervous as is the case of any situation where one has to stand before viva examiners and defend their work. When one is deemed qualified to do a Ph. process is not marred by challenges through offering advice to the scholar, phd dissertation viva.

To ensure that the evaluation process is effective, they are mostly chosen from the same field as the candidate. Although it is not a must, there are occasions where the examining body may also comprise of external members. A thesis is nothing short of a research paper which means that the scholar is expected to have taken their time to conduct thorough research using advanced techniques.

The main reason why a viva voce is conducted is to give the researcher an opportunity to defend their work before they are graded whether they meet qualifications or not. The first thing that the scholar should know is that they should be able to defend their thesis which means that they should be aware of everything that is in the research paper.

The reason for this is because one can never know what the examiners will ask and from which section of the thesis they will derive their questions. It is essential that the scholar must ensure that they are prepared adequately phd dissertation viva going through their thesis and ensure that they are able to answer any question arising from the same, phd dissertation viva.

There are candidates who may be tempted to have other people write their thesis and although it phd dissertation viva be perfect, the viva voce reveals the truth depending on whether phd dissertation viva can defend the thesis or not. According to many candidates, phd dissertation viva viva voce is an impeachment whereby they feel like they are grilled, but in a real sense, it is phd dissertation viva to prove to themselves and others whether they are in a situation to defend their phd dissertation viva as a doctor of philosophy in their field.

It is therefore important for the candidate to ensure that they do not fall prey to brown nosing. They should not direct their efforts to sweet-talk the examiners by trying to impress them, phd dissertation viva. Instead, the scholar is advised to play their role and prove to the evaluators that they are capable of defending what they have written in the thesis, phd dissertation viva.

It is recommended that the scholar should be calm, relaxed and confident in their thesis and have the courage to stand before the examiners and express themselves. The candidate should recognize the importance of the thesis and this is partly the reason why they have the responsibility of choosing their own topic and doing the research.

A phd dissertation viva voce must not be confused with a multiple choice questionnaire thus the researcher must appreciate that it phd dissertation viva intended to diminish curiosity, phd dissertation viva. This cannot be achieved by giving phd dissertation viva answers because the scholar is required to explain themselves as reflected in the thesis.

The reason for this is because when one is asked a question during the viva voce, they are phd dissertation viva to state their position on the matter. The statement is not enough because it only triggers more questions. Therefore, it is necessary that the scholar must support their claim by giving explanations as to why they support their arguments. In fact, the primary purpose of the viva voce is to ensure that the scholar can defend what they advocate for thus phd dissertation viva should be in a position to give explanations and proof of what they are saying.

According to human nature, there are people that find it easy to stand before others and air their view but the viva phd dissertation viva does not recognize that. It is essential that the scholar must be in a position to present themselves and stand for what they have presented to the faculty and the world.

At this level of learning, it is expected that the scholar must be confident enough to ensure that they can speak in front of a crowd leave alone two or three examiners. Confidence is a virtue that must be acquired by all scholars to ensure that they can stand before others and teach them or address key concerns that affect society.

However, the candidate must take caution not to be overconfident and the main reason for this is that too much confidence is interpreted as arrogance. The bad thing about this is that the examiners are likely to get the wrong impression about the scholar. This is true because among the virtues phd dissertation viva a Ph. teaches the candidate is patience and respect for others, phd dissertation viva.

The human mind is designed in such a manner that it controls the entire body and command activities that the individual will like and those that they will not, phd dissertation viva. One of the reasons why most scholars fail the viva voce process is that they tend to develop a negative attitude towards the same even before they go through the process, phd dissertation viva.

It is essential that the scholar must be confident and not only outwardly but also inwardly. We recommend the scholar to ensure that they take all necessary measures to ensure that they do not exhibit fear in front phd dissertation viva the examiners.

It is understandable that anyone is capable of nervousness while in front of a panel of examiners, phd dissertation viva. However, we recommend that the scholar must pay attention to two things to boost their confidence, phd dissertation viva. The first element is that they should prepare adequately for the process. The second is that they should develop a positive attitude towards the viva voce.

course, phd dissertation viva, it is true to say that they have gone through many examinations and passed. It is not automatic to pass an examination and it requires a lot of dedication and sacrifice. Although there are individuals that may be tempted to take a shortcut, there is only one recipe to passing, phd dissertation viva. All examinations require a lot of preparation and a viva voce is not exceptional.

This implies that the scholar must take their time to prepare for the viva voce beforehand. It is recommended that the candidate should take at least one month to prepare phd dissertation viva. It may seem like a phd dissertation viva thing to do but we remind the scholar that they have a supervisor who has knowledge about the viva voce and they can offer useful advice that can make the process easy for the candidate.

The short description of a viva voce is that it is an oral phd dissertation viva and therefore it means that there must be physical appearance.

It is crucial that the scholar must dress formally for the viva voce and they should be neat. The proper dressing makes the scholar look responsible and in a position to defend their thesis. The viva voce is an oral presentation of the thesis phd dissertation viva therefore it is necessary that the scholar must ensure that they have a proper understanding of their thesis before they engage with the examiners.

Others may be overconfident and feel that they do not have to read the thesis again but this is usually a recipe to disaster. It is our recommendation that the scholar reads through the thesis at least three times to ensure that they are familiar with all the points discussed within, phd dissertation viva.

It may sound tricky to summarize a paper comprising of at least 50, words in as little as five minutes but it is possible and the scholar should practice doing so. Essentially, the examiners expect the scholar to have mastered their thesis and therefore they should be able to point out the problem surrounding the topic as well as the causes and recommended solution briefly. At the onset phd dissertation viva the viva voce, the scholar must be in a position to introduce the dissertation to the examiners briefly.

This involves presenting an overview of the research paper. Among the different sections of the thesis is the abstract section which was explained as a summary of the research paper. While preparing for the viva voce, phd dissertation viva, the candidate is advised to consider the abstract and use it as a guideline for the oral presentation.

The easiest way to fail in any examination is answering the wrong questions or phd dissertation viva to address what the examiner requires. It is mandatory for the candidate to pay attention to what the examiner is asking and carefully analyze points that they require from the candidate.

By doing so, the scholar is in a position to give the right feedback with reference to the thesis. It means that it is important for the candidate to concentrate during the viva voce and they should ensure that they are not distracted by anything else.

It should be noted that a viva voce is not a form of a debate where two parties are engaged in arguing. The candidate should note that the examiners are already professors and they are not there to engage in a battle of wits.

What they require from the candidate is proof that they have learned during the research and that they are in a position to demonstrate that they command knowledge in their specific fields. After the oral presentation, the examiners make a point of presenting their results to the candidate which point out areas that were sufficiently answered and those that were not. The candidate should look into areas where they gave wrong answers and make a point of researching and making the necessary changes.

The correct answers should be passed to the examiners. Phd dissertation viva candidate must ensure that the correct answers are written as briefly as possible. During the oral presentation, it is necessary that the scholar avoids writing points in their hands or slip.

It is so because it acts as a way of showing that the scholar has not prepared sufficiently for the viva voce. In addition, it creates the impression that the researcher is not fully aware of the content in the thesis. Using written points give the impression of someone who is presenting a speech that has been written for them.

The candidate does not want the examiners feeling that they have not done the research for themselves as this would automatically lead to a fail, phd dissertation viva. A good presentation is one that the candidate commands presence before the examiners as it shows that they are confident with their work.

It also shows that the scholar has worked hard for the thesis and they have nothing to fear regarding the phd dissertation viva voce, phd dissertation viva.

The viva: opening questions

, time: 3:28

Top 12 Potential PhD Viva Questions and How to Answer Them - Enago Academy

phd dissertation viva

A PhD viva voce examination is the last thing that comes in the PhD process whereby the researcher is required to present themselves before evaluators and answer any questions thrown at I submitted my dissertation in July and am since waiting for the university reviews (from 1 internal and 1 external reviewer, both anonymous) that supposedly take " weeks". I have received 0/2 as of yet. Our universities website states that the process in between thesis submission and the date of the doctoral viva can in total take up to 3 Successful completion of the PhD program requires fulfilling course requirements, passing the comprehensive examinations, preparing and defending a dissertation proposal, and undertaking research, writing and defending a dissertation. This is a multi-year process that involves a close mentoring relationship with the student’s Primary Advisor

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