Last year, 29, people were killed in terrorist attacks around the world, but just five countries accounted for more than 70% of the victims Terrorist groups such as ISIS, al-Qa’ida, and Hizballah continue to plot attacks against the United States and our allies and partners. As the threats posed by these organizations continue to evolve, the Department of State works to build global consensus to degrade and defeat these adversaries. Through a combination of diplomatic engagement and foreign assistance, the The concept is used to describe political repressions by governments against their own civilian populations with the purpose of inciting fear. For example, taking and executing civilian hostages or extrajudicial elimination campaigns are commonly considered "terror" or terrorism, for example during the Red Terror or the Great Terror. []Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Countering Terrorism - United States Department of State
State terrorism refers to acts of terrorism which a state conducts against another state or against its own citizens. There is neither an academic nor an international legal consensus regarding the proper definition of the word "terrorism".
Shock and Awe" as a subcategory of "rapid dominance" is the name given to massive intervention designed to strike terror into the minds of the enemy.
It is a form of state-terrorism. The concept was however developed long before the Second Gulf War by Harlan Ullman as chair of a forum of retired military personnel. However, others, including governments that use terrorism against their own people, international organisations, private institutions and scholars, believe the term "terrorism" is applicable only to the actions of violent non-state actors. Historically, the term terrorism was used to refer to actions taken by governments against their own citizens whereas now it is more often perceived as targeting of non-combatants as part of a strategy directed against governments.
Historian Henry Commager wrote that "Even when definitions of terrorism allow for state terrorismstate actions in this area tend to be seen through the prism of war or national self-defense, not terror. Academic writing tends to follow the definitions accepted by states. The Encyclopædia Britannica Online defines terrorism generally as "the systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective", and states that "terrorism is not legally defined in all jurisdictions.
While the most common modern usage of the word terrorism refers to political violence by insurgents or conspirators, [13] several scholars make a broader interpretation of the nature of terrorism that encompasses the concepts of state terrorism and state-sponsored terrorism.
It is important to understand that in terrorism the violence threatened or perpetrated, has purposes broader than simple physical harm to a victim. The audience of the act or threat of violence is more important than the immediate victim. Scholar Gus Martin describes state terrorism as terrorism "committed by governments and quasi-governmental agencies and personnel against perceived threats", which can be directed against both domestic and foreign targets.
Stohl and George A. Aristotle wrote critically of terror employed by tyrants against their subjects. The meaning of "terrorism" has undergone a transformation. During the Reign of Terror, a regime or system of terrorism was used as an instrument governments that use terrorism against their own people governance, wielded by a recently established revolutionary state against the enemies of the people.
Now the term "terrorism" is commonly used to describe terrorist acts committed by non-state or sub-national entities against a state, governments that use terrorism against their own people. italics in original [23]. Later examples of state terrorism include the police state measures employed by the Soviet Union beginning in the s, and by Germany's Nazi regime in the s and s. Such a radical aim could be pursued only by a similarly radical method: by terrorism directed by an extremely powerful political police at an atomized and defenseless population.
Its success was due largely to its arbitrary character—to the unpredictability of its choice of victims. In both countries, the regime first suppressed all opposition; when it no longer had any opposition to speak of, political police took to persecuting 'potential' and 'objective opponents'. In the Soviet Union, it was eventually unleashed on victims chosen at random. The terror of tsarism was directed against the proletariat.
Our Extraordinary Commissions shoot landlords, capitalists, and generals who are striving to restore the capitalist order. Do you grasp this For us communists it is quite sufficient. Leon Trotskygovernments that use terrorism against their own people, Terrorism and Communism Military actions primarily directed against non-combatant targets have also been referred to as state terrorism.
For example, the bombing of Guernica has been called an act of terrorism. An act of sabotage, sometimes regarded as an act of terrorism, was the peacetime sinking of the Rainbow Warriora ship owned by Greenpeacewhich occurred while in port at AucklandNew Zealand on July 10, The bomb detonation killed Fernando Pereiraa Dutch photographer.
The organisation who committed the attack, the DGSEis a branch of France 's intelligence services. The agents responsible pleaded guilty to manslaughter as part of a plea deal and were sentenced to ten years in prison, but were secretly released early to France under governments that use terrorism against their own people agreement between the two countries' governments.
Another example is the British Military Reaction Force in Northern Ireland during the s, which murdered innocent civilians from the Catholic community in order to stir up ethnic hatred and "take the heat off the army". In Novembera BBC Panorama documentary was aired about the MRF. It drew on information from seven former members, as well as a number of other sources.
Soldier H said: "We operated initially with them thinking that we were the UVF. In Junein the wake of the Panorama programme, the Police Service of Northern Ireland PSNI opened an investigation into the matter. The Uyghur American Association has claimed that Beijing's military approach to terrorism in Xinjiang is state terrorism. The sinking of the Rainbow Warrior took place in New Zealand 's Auckland Harbour on July 10, It was an attack carried out by French DGSE agents Captain Dominique Prieur and Commander Alain Mafart aimed at sinking the flagship craft of the Greenpeace Organisation in order to stop her from interfering in French nuclear testing in the South Pacific.
The attack resulted in the death of Greenpeace photographer Fernando Pereira and led to a huge uproar over the first ever attack on New Zealand's sovereignty. France initially denied any involvement in the attack, and it even joined in condemning the attack as a terrorist act. In Julya United Nations -sponsored mediation effort between New Zealand and France resulted in the transfer of the two prisoners to the French Polynesian island of Haoso they could serve three years there, as well as an apology and a NZD 13 million payment from France to New Zealand.
In the s, Libya under Muammar Gaddafi was accused of state terrorism following attacks abroad such as the Lockerbie bombing. Terrorist group Al Jihad thought to be a pro- Iranian Shiite group connected to the Palestine Liberation Organisation issued a claim of responsibility for the mining, but circumstantial evidence indicated that Libya was responsible. Myanmar has been accused of state terrorism in the internal conflict. North Korea has been accused of state terrorism on several occasions, such as in in the Rangoon bombingthe Gimpo International Airport bombingand in when North Korean agents detonated a bomb on Korean Air Flightkilling everybody aboard.
The British state has been accused of involvement in state terrorism in the Northern Ireland conflict from the s to s by covertly assisting the loyalist paramilitaries. Ruth J Blakeley, Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Sheffieldaccuses the United States of sponsoring and deploying state terrorism, governments that use terrorism against their own people, which she defines as "the illegal targeting of individuals that the state has a duty to protect in order to instill fear in a target audience beyond the direct victim", on an "enormous scale" during the Cold War.
The United States government justified this policy by saying it needed to contain the spread of Communismbut Blakeley says the United States government also used it as a means to buttress and promote the interests of U. elites and multinational corporations. The U. supported governments who employed death squads throughout Latin America and counterinsurgency training of right-wing military forces included advocating the interrogation and torture of suspected insurgents.
Patrice McSherrya professor of political science at Long Island Universitysays "hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans were tortured, abducted or killed by right-wing military regimes as part of the U. support for Operation Condor and the Guatemalan military during the Guatemalan Civil War. Declassified documents from the U. Embassy in Jakarta in confirm that the U. directly facilitated and encouraged the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of suspected Communists in Indonesia during the mids.
officials worried only that the killing of the party's governments that use terrorism against their own people supporters might not go far enough, permitting Sukarno to return to power and frustrate the [Johnson] Administration's emerging plans for a post-Sukarno Indonesia. embassy in Jakarta insaid they confirmed that "the U, governments that use terrorism against their own people.
was part and parcel of the operation, strategizing with the Indonesian army and encouraging them to go after the PKI. Robinson, a historian at UCLA, argues that without the support of the U. and other powerful Western states, the Indonesian Army's program of mass killings would not have happened.
The chairman of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee has said the twelve previous international conventions on terrorism had never referred to state terrorism, which was not an international legal concept, and when states abuse their powers they should be judged against international conventions which deal with war crimesinternational human rights lawand international humanitarian lawrather than international anti-terrorism statutes.
The use of force by states is already regulated under international law". regardless of the differences between governments on the question of the definition of terrorism, what is clear and what we can all agree on is any deliberate attack on innocent civilians [or non-combatants], regardless of one's cause, is unacceptable and fits into the definition of terrorism. Bruce Hoffman has argued that failing to differentiate between state and non-state violence ignores the fact that there is a "fundamental qualitative difference between the two types of violence.
For instance, rules which are codified in the Geneva and Hague Conventions on warfare prohibit taking civilians as hostagesoutlaw reprisals against either civilians or POWsrecognise neutral territoryetc. Hoffman says "even the most cursory review of terrorist tactics and targets over the past quarter century reveals that terrorists have violated all these rules.
Walter Laqueur has said those who argue that state terrorism should be included in studies of terrorism ignore the fact that "The very existence of a state is based on its monopoly of power. If it were different, states would not have the right, nor would they be in a position, to maintain that minimum of order on which all civilized life governments that use terrorism against their own people. It has also been employed by some sympathizers, and it rests on governments that use terrorism against their own people deliberate obfuscation between all kinds of violence From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Acts of terrorism conducted by a state. Not to be confused with State-sponsored terrorism. History Incidents. By ideology, governments that use terrorism against their own people. Buddhist Christian Mormon Hindu Islamic Salafi-Wahhabi Jewish Sikh. Suffragette Anti-abortion Environmental Misogynist. Violent extremism Ethnic violence Militia movement Resistance movement.
Financing Fronting Radicalization Online Training camp Death squad Clandestine cell system Leaderless governments that use terrorism against their own people Lone wolf. Methods Tactics. Agro-terrorism Aircraft hijacking list Animal-borne bomb attacks Beheading Bioterrorism Car bombing list Cyberterrorism Dirty bomb Dry run Explosive Hostage-taking Improvised explosive device IED Vehicle-ramming Spree shooting Individual terror Insurgency Kidnapping Letter bomb Lone wolf Mass shooting Nuclear Paper terrorism Piracy Propaganda of the deed Proxy bomb School shooting Stabbing Suicide attack list Rockets and mortars, governments that use terrorism against their own people.
Terrorist groups. Designated terrorist groups Charities accused of ties to terrorism. Violent non-state actors State terrorism Kazakhstan Soviet Union Sri Lanka United States Uzbekistan. Iran Israel Kuwait Pakistan Qatar Russia Soviet Union Saudi Arabia Syria United States. Response to terrorism. Counter-terrorism International conventions Anti-terrorism legislation Terrorism insurance. This article's lead section may be too short to adequately summarize the key points.
Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article. May See also: Definition of terrorism and Terrorism. See also: Campaign to Suppress CounterrevolutionariesGovernments that use terrorism against their own people killings of landlords under Mao ZedongCultural Revolutionand Uyghur genocide. Main article: India and state-sponsored terrorism.
Which Countries Are Accused Of Supporting Terrorism?
, time: 3:53Terrorism - Wikipedia
The United States and Israel in particular use the terrorism label to demonize opponents, drum up fear, and generate popular support for security policies that might otherwise be unpalatable Secondly, governments and politicians can use definitions of terrorism to repress, victimise or demonise their opponents, civilians, political bodies and religions. This happens most frequently in authoritarian states but has occurred in democratic states, an example being the use of Guantanamo Bay to sequestrate individuals from the normal legal system in the USA by The other refers to governments that conduct terrorist acts against their own citizens. International state-sponsored terrorism The U.S. State Department, which is in charge of the United States 's relationships with other countries, maintains a list of nations accused of conducting state-sponsored terrorism
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