Child obesity essay

Child obesity essay

child obesity essay

The rates of obesity, however, vary by age. 8 percent of children between 2 and 5 are obese. Among those between 6 and 11, 18 percent of these children are obese (Segal, Rayburn, & Alejandra, ). Finally, 21 percent of those 12 and 19 years are obese. As mentioned before, obesity among children between 2 and 5 are Childhood Obesity Essay. Words3 Pages. There was a time when chubby children were considered cute. It was assumed that their baby fat would melt away and a healthy adult would emerge. We now know that childhood obesity can be very harmful for our nations children Child obesity has become a major concern as it continues to increase every year in the US. Many parents are uneducated about the risks of childhood obesity. Parental awareness and increasing physical activity are steps towards making a change in the rates of childhood obesity. There are many side effects of childhood obesity that can [ ]

Childhood Obesity Essay - Words | Bartleby

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Research indicates that overweight children have a high probability of growing into obese or overweight adults, child obesity essay. Differentiating between overweight and obese child obesity essay important. The body mass index of an obese child falls in the 95th percentile. Childhood obesity results from the accumulation of body fat and has adverse impacts on the well-being of the child, child obesity essay.

Currently, the doctors do not have mechanisms for measuring body fat. It underlines why they are mostly unable to identify kids that are overweight in advance. The doctors use the body mass index to determine children who are overweight, child obesity essay. In the United States, child obesity essay, the rate of childhood obesity is on the rise.

The same problem is experienced in many other countries across the globe. Childhood obesity has both short-term and long-term health impacts. According to Hippel and Nahhasa child who suffers from obesity is vulnerable to type 2 diabetes. The diabetes was previously associated with adults. However, today, many kids who are obese exhibit signs of type 2 diabetes. Other health conditions include heart problems and asthma.

Indeed, the doctors have cited childhood obesity as a grave public health concern. Changing dietary habits can help to curb the rise in cases of child obesity essay obesity. Obesity is a major health issue in many countries. According to Flegal, Graubard, Williamson and Gailobesity accounts for overdeaths annually.

Nowadays, child obesity essay, the disease affects both the children and adults child obesity essay equal measures. Children who are overweight are vulnerable to becoming obese, child obesity essay. Besides, children who are obese are likely to suffer from the same disease in their adult life. In the past two decades, the rate of childhood obesity has increased tremendously, particularly in the United States.

Doctors associate this rise with changes in lifestyle behaviors and the environment. Childhood obesity does not discriminate against gender or ethnic background.

The disease affects both sexes and all races. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey has been analyzing the problem of childhood obesity and overweight for over five decades. The data from the survey shows a shocking trend. Flegal et al. Inover Similarly, over Childhood obesity can result from a combination of numerous factors, child obesity essay.

A child can inherit obesity from the parents. A child may also suffer from obesity due to body type and emotional factors. The excessive use of technology among children and consumption of junk food contribute to the development of childhood obesity.

The research discovered that children who use electronic gadgets for over three hours per day child obesity essay high chances of contracting childhood obesity. Daniels claims that childhood obesity is prevalent among the minority groups like Hispanic and African American societies. Additionally, the disease is common among the low-income families. The children who hail from low-income and minority families do not engage in physical exercise.

Instead, they spend a lot of the time in the house either playing video games or watching television. Besides eating junk food and not engaging in physical exercise, child obesity essay, environment, genes, behavior and metabolism also lead to childhood obesity. Doctors claim that encouraging behavioral and environmental change can go a long way towards curbing childhood obesity.

Children can be encouraged to engage in physical activities and avoid a sedentary life. Daniels alleges that changes in family life play a significant role in the increase in the rate of childhood obesity. Many mothers stop breastfeeding their children when they are very young. They introduce the children to infant formulae that lead to them becoming overweight.

Eventually, the problem degenerates to obesity. Many families do not allow the children to engage in physical exercise. Rather than letting the children walk to school or bus stop, the parents volunteer to drive the kids to school.

In schools, they do not engage in physical exercise because the teachers fail to emphasize on its significance. Social policies also contribute to the rise in the cases of childhood obesity. Diverse societies and countries have come up with child obesity essay social policies and practices that either improve or damage the physical health of their kids. For many years, most schools have been feeding their kids with foods rich in energy.

Today, the schools are gradually changing the feeding habits to guarantee the health of the children. A part from the feeding habits of schools, many children have access to junk food hotels and vending machines.

In the United States, it is not child obesity essay to find a junk food outlet or a vending machine in most neighborhoods. Consequently, the parents cannot regulate the feeding habits of the children. Many residential areas do not have parks where children can visit and play, child obesity essay. Moreover, most communities do not set aside space for sidewalks or bike paths.

Some governments have introduced subsidies for sugar and corn oil. Therefore, most families can afford to purchase corn oil and sugar, which lead to children consuming calories and subsequently suffering from obesity. According to Anderson and Butcherchild obesity essay, promotion of candy and fast-food hotels also contributes to children suffering from childhood obesity. It becomes hard for the child to identify healthy foods. Variations in genes that regulate metabolism and child obesity essay dispose children to childhood obesity.

The children can hardly metabolize excess calories. At least genes control body weight by influencing food penchants, metabolism, and activity level. Childhood obesity comes as a result of numerous atypical genetic conditions that arise during infancy. The conditions include MOMO syndrome, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, and Prader-Willi syndrome. Other genetic conditions include leptin and melanocortin receptor mutations. Childhood obesity is associated with child obesity essay social, psychological and physiological effects.

A majority of these results surface during childhood. The primary concern is that an obese child is likely to suffer from the same problem in adulthood. Besides, obesity lowers the life expectancy of the children and youths. Children with obesity are likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes Laura, child obesity essay, If not treated, child obesity essay, the children may even die.

Children suffering from obesity experience breathing problems, child obesity essay. Doctors claim that excess weight results in swelling of the respiratory tract.

Eventually, a child develops asthma. Research shows that most children who suffer from childhood obesity are asthmatic. Being obese overworks the heart.

Childhood obesity leads to children developing heart complications. Other health conditions associated with childhood obesity include hypertension, child obesity essay, orthopedic and glucose intolerance problems. Childhood obesity is one of the child obesity essay causes of cardiovascular disease among children.

A study in the United States revealed that childhood obesity contributes to adulthood hypertension. According to Reeves, Postolache and Snitkerchildhood obesity not only predisposes adults to cardiovascular diseases but also leads to children suffering from cardiovascular damage. Children who are obese suffer from orthopedic complications like tibia vara.

Many children who are obese complain of musculoskeletal pain. Children and particularly girls who suffer from obesity are not comfortable with their body child obesity essay. Besides, they face stigma from their colleagues. Failure to accept their health conditions results in the girls suffering from depression and anxiety. Additionally, the children have low self-esteem and are unable to interact with others. Xavier and Mandal claim that children who are obese engage in anarchic eating.

The Difficulties of Child Obesity - Generation XXL S1 EP1 - Only Human

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child obesity essay

The rates of obesity, however, vary by age. 8 percent of children between 2 and 5 are obese. Among those between 6 and 11, 18 percent of these children are obese (Segal, Rayburn, & Alejandra, ). Finally, 21 percent of those 12 and 19 years are obese. As mentioned before, obesity among children between 2 and 5 are  · ESSAY: Child Obesity (Causes, effects and solutions) The increasing percentage of youth that have been experiencing nutritional issues particularly obesity is being discussed Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Child obesity has become a major concern as it continues to increase every year in the US. Many parents are uneducated about the risks of childhood obesity. Parental awareness and increasing physical activity are steps towards making a change in the rates of childhood obesity. There are many side effects of childhood obesity that can [ ]

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