A research topic example

A research topic example

a research topic example

Good International Relations Paper Topics - Example Topics - Choosing Your Topic - Academic Guides at Walden University. If you have questions about Topics to identify research paper ideas click here Good an A-Z listhow to narrow down good research Examples topics, or how to write a research paper, this guide is here to help Brainstorm research topic ideas and make a list of the general subjects. Narrow down to a specific field of study and choose the one that interests you the most. It is the key to produce an interesting and impressive writing piece. You can further take help from your professor to identify a unique idea to write a research A research topic is an area of interest to a researcher that is first of all, researchable. Let's look at some examples. Some Examples of Topic Statements. Here are a few topic statements that eventually lead to successful dissertations: Elementary age students' needs for family-based counseling services

Good Research Paper Topics [Updated April ]

Most research topics start out as a general and often vague idea that a researcher has an interest in investigating. Inexperienced researchers, including most doctoral learners, frequently think of topics that are quite interesting, but not narrowly enough focused for a dissertation. This tutorial will guide you through a set of steps designed to help you come up with a topic, first of a research topic example, and secondly to focus it more tightly so that you can begin a meaningful and successful search of the existing literature to discover whether your topic is actually researchable.

This tutorial's primary objective is to prepare a research topic example to create a successful research topic that may become the topic of your dissertation. To do that, we'll work through the following issues:, a research topic example. Obviously, in Track 1 you are at the beginning of your studies toward the doctorate, and perhaps your dissertation is far from your thoughts.

We are starting the process now, however, a research topic example, because our experience has been that when learners wait a research topic example start searching for their topics, it often creates a serious problem for them when they actually start the dissertation.

That problem can take many forms, but the most common one is that they have not had sufficient time and training in exhaustively searching the relevant literature to discover whether the topic they are interested in is even viable—and without a good topic statement, a good literature search is impossible.

So let's begin. A research topic is an area of interest to a researcher that is first of all, a research topic example, researchable.

It is focused narrowly enough that its key concepts are quite plain and well integrated. It is a topic or subject that can be found in the existing literature of the researcher's field, which shows that it is of some interest or importance to that field, a research topic example, and has some important characteristics.

The first mark of a well-formed topic is that it clearly states the key concepts to be investigated. Sometimes, only one concept is named—those studies often turn out to be qualitative, but not always. More often, two or more key concepts are named. Next, it identifies the a research topic example or relationships among those concepts that the researcher intends to explore.

Obviously, if only one concept was named, there won't be a relationship, but in that case a word like "describes" or "experiences" will give a clue to the kind of information desired. Third, a research topic specifies the population of interest to be investigated. Finally, a research topic is just a phrase.

That is, it is not a full sentence with a verb, a research topic example. However, the well-formed topic statement a research topic example embed the actual topic in a complete sentence. Let's look at some examples. You can see immediately that all six examples, taken from the four schools in Capella University, are phrases, not complete sentences. So far, so good. The first mark of a successful topic statement is that it identifies the key concepts to be investigated, a research topic example, right?

Let's see how the examples do that. In the first example, we seem to have two key concepts: "needs" and "family-based counseling services. Probably not clearly enough: what is meant by "needs" and a research topic example counseling services" is not immediately transparent.

This topic will need some work, but most topics start out this way. Here, there seem to be two key concepts: "responses" and "encounters with law enforcement. The second mark of a successful topic is that it identifies any relationship to be investigated between or among the key concepts. Let's look at the third example to see about this. This topic meets our criterion of being a phrase. It seems to state at least two concepts but with multiple levels : "death" and "socio-economic status of daughters.

Well, it is captured in that word "impact. An "impact" in research jargon means the effect that one concept—death—has on another concept, in this case, the daughters. One can, in fact, replace the word impact with the word effect without changing the meaning at all. So the topic is proposing a cause-and-effect kind of relationship. Let's look at another example: The relationship between assignment strategies to prevent burnout used by managers of first responders and the occurrence of burnout.

This seems complicated, but it really isn't, a research topic example. First, let's check the key concepts: "Assignment strategies a research topic example prevent burnout" would seem to be one key concept, and "occurrence of burnout" would be the other.

These are reasonably clear, or probably would be to someone in the human resources or management worlds. No doubt they will be further clarified as the researcher works on the topic's wording. But what about the relationship? It is in the word "relationship," obviously. And in research jargon, a "relationship" between A and B is a particular kind of relationship, called a correlation.

The third sign of a successful topic is that it names the target population, the group of people or organizations or groups that the researcher is interested in.

Let's evaluate some of our examples on this point. The population is managers of first responders. Or is it? The awkward wording of the topic makes this a bit hard to digest. The burnout occurs in the first responders, so maybe they are the population.

But the first responders' managers are the ones using the management strategies, so are they the population? Well, the two key concepts are management strategies used by managers and rate of burnout in first respondersso the researcher will have to get information from both groups of people, so both are the target population: first responders and their managers, a research topic example.

A well-formed research topic will have these characteristics, but simply having them is not sufficient. The elements also need to be well-focused and narrowed down to a point where the research becomes feasible. Let's take a look at a simple method for doing this. A research topic example a look at this grid. You'll see that one of our topics has been broken out into the first column. The population is first—indigenous people—followed by two concepts: responses and law enforcement.

Now look at the central column, labeled "Narrower term. Similarly, "law enforcement" has been narrowed to police there are many other types of law enforcement, such as FBI, Homeland Security, TSA, Customs and Immigration, sheriff's departments, and so on.

Similarly, there are many kinds of behaviors and experiences that could be considered "responses," but the researcher is most interested in emotional responses. Now move to the third column. Can you see how each term is being narrowed yet again? If we restated the topic now, after having narrowed it down a bit, it would look like this: Cherokee Indians' tolerance for stress when meeting traffic officers.

Let's work through another example, this time using the topic "Employees' productivity as a function of their managers' management styles.

There are many questions you can ask yourself when you are narrowing your topic. A good opener is "So what do I really want to know about the concept? Another quite good question is to ask about your real interest or passion is about the concept or the population.

You can also find helpful terms by performing controlled vocabulary searches in library databases. You can find a nice tutorial on that method of searching in the Capella library at but whatever you ask yourself, keep your focus on what you truly most want to know and care about regarding the concept. When the researcher asked herself what sort a research topic example employees and managers she was actually interested in, a research topic example, she realized it was service employees and managers.

The more she pondered, and was helped by a quick check of the literature in her specialization, she realized that she was most interested a research topic example call center personnel. Then she tackled productivity.

From a research topic example courses in management measurement, she knew that one way to think about productivity was days at work. But that seemed too dependent on factors outside the manager-employee relationship. She wanted a more fine-grained way to look at productivity, so she narrowed it to a specific measure, calls completed times minutes per call.

Then she took on management styl e. Knowing that there are many types, her first attempt at focusing this term was authoritarian style. That didn't satisfy her, and when she looked again at her topic, she realized that that word "function" was important.

It implied to her that she was really interested in knowing how different management styles related to different degrees of productivity. At first, she put together a list of known management styles, but that felt intimidating. She decided to narrow it down to just two: authoritarian vs. flexible management style. After a research topic example this, her topic now looked like this: Productivity as measured by calls completed times minutes per call in call center employees supervised by authoritarian managers compared to productivity in call center employees supervised by flexible managers.

She knew the a research topic example was clunky and would need to be crafted better, a research topic example, but she had a much more focused topic. So far, we've been looking at two things about good research topics: what they should contain concepts, relationships, and populationand how to narrow each element.

In these narrowing exercises, we've focused on the concepts and the population, a research topic example. Now, let's turn our attention to the relationship. This is a very important element, because it offers an important clue about the nature of the study that might ensue.

Research asks all kinds of questions, and the relationship named in the research topic clues us into what kind of question the ensuing study will likely ask. Here are some questions you might ask in order to choose the right word to describe the relationship you're looking for.

For each of these and there are other sorts of questions you can ask yourselfspecific words can specify the relationship. A research topic example look at them. If your topic compares two or more things compared with or some similar phrase indicates the relationship you want to know about. For instance, student retention rates in large urban school districts compared with small rural districts.

If your interest is about relationships between two or more concepts, try using words like relationship, in relation to, or other similar constructions. Here's an example: the frequency of church attendance in relation to socioeconomic status.

50 Research Paper Topics

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Research Paper Example - Outline and Free Samples

a research topic example

Good International Relations Paper Topics - Example Topics - Choosing Your Topic - Academic Guides at Walden University. If you have questions about Topics to identify research paper ideas click here Good an A-Z listhow to narrow down good research Examples topics, or how to write a research paper, this guide is here to help Research paper requires detailed examination of the topic according to a specific outline. This blog discusses research paper example to help you write better. + A research topic is an area of interest to a researcher that is first of all, researchable. Let's look at some examples. Some Examples of Topic Statements. Here are a few topic statements that eventually lead to successful dissertations: Elementary age students' needs for family-based counseling services

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